Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Remedy Against Snoring: Beverage That Will Solve Your Night Struggles


Snoring is a breathing disorder that can result from several factors. It can also be caused by a bad pillow, and dry mucous membranes in the nose.

Diet and chronic inflammation of the sinuses affect the disorders of the lining.

In case you suffer from a stuffy nose with a dry mucosa you can try this simple beverage.

Ingredients needed:

– 1 piece of ginger

– 2 carrots

– 2 apples

– 1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Method of preparation:

Remove the ginger peel and wash the carrots and apples well. Put them in a juicer, mix them well and finally add the lemon juice in the mixture. The drink is ready.

Way of consuming:

During the first day you should drink the juice in the morning, before lunch and before dinner. After that one cup of the remedy per day is quite enough.

The beverage opens the airways and normalizes lining thus prevents snoring.