Remove All Toxins From the Body in 3 Days: A Method That Prevents Cancer, Removes Fat and Excess Water!



A detoxification is important for us, especially if we want to remove all the toxic build up from the processed foods we have ingested. A gentle 1-3 day cleanse will help reduce your cravings, and ensure you start eating healthy at the same time!

1. It is important the dairy products are removed from your body before the 3-day cleanse. Stop eating any dairy products 2 days prior to the cleanse, as they will interfere with the detoxification process of the body.

2. Ingest 340 mls of pure cranberry juice before you go to sleep. It will eliminate bacteria in the lungs, preventing infections. Cranberries promote healthy urine and blood, and are potent antioxidants.

3. Potassium can act as a cleansing agent when taken in its juice form. Juice carrots, spinach, celery, sea greens, and parsley or mix 50 ml of Noni Juice with 1 cup of spring water. Make sure that the Noni Juice is in its pure form, and you can get it from the Tree of Life market. Drink at least 1.5 cups of potassium juice with lunch.

4. Mucus cleansing tea is abundant with ginger, peppermint, and rose hips, which alleviate the buildup of mucus, congestion and stuffy noses. These cleansing teas are easily found in health-food outlets or supermarkets. Take one cup of the tea 1 hour prior to dinner.

5. Black Forest Tea is an example of an herbal laxative tea you can take, before Day 1 of the 3-day cleanse. It rids the system of toxins in your intestines which usually causes constipation.

6. Take 1 – 1.5 cups of pure carrot juice between breakfast and lunch. It has beta-carotene, which is turned into Vitamin A, and assists in cleaning and maintaining the respiratory system. Carrot juice makes the blood alkaline during the detox.

7. For breakfast, take 1.5 cups of pure grapefruit juice. It can be diluted with spring water, or changed with pineapple juice. Grapefruit and pineapple have antioxidants with maintains the respiratory system’s health.

8. You can also squeeze two whole lemons into ½ a cup of water before breakfast. Lemon juice helps in the digestion of powerful alkalizing foods.



Source: Sport Online Group

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