Weight Loss Folk Remedies



What are those plants – herbs, tested folk remedy in extra kilos fight

Find out how to lose weight in a healthy and safe way.

Corn Silk

Natural remedy for safe weight loss. Corn silk that during the period of blossoming hangs on the fruit [cob] like thin silky fibers is completely safe natural remedy for losing weight.

Corn Silk Tea

In a cup with hot water put one teaspoon of corn silk, and leave it for 5-10 minutes. You need to drink at least 5 cups of this tea during the day within a time period of few hours in between. This corn silk tea does not contain any harmful ingredients; therefore it can be used for a long time period.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is excellent remedy for weight loss. Besides burning fats, apple cider vinegar affects boosts up the metabolism thus keeping the thin body factor. Health dieting does not means starvation, but a diet that helps burning the extra consumed calories and reduces the feeling of hunger.


Celery is believed to be plant with negative calories. What does it mean? It means that your organism will burn more calories for digesting the celery, than the celery itself contains. It is recommended as weight loss product because it makes you feel full with zero calories.

Olive Seeds

Olive seed is very useful for weight loss. When eating olives, swallow some seed, and it will noticeably reduce the feeling of hunger because it needs longer time to be digested. Thereby, it will reduce the secretion of stomach acid and make leisurely feeling in the stomach. But, do not exaggerate with eating seeds, because you will encumber your stomach. Most often, only one seed a day is sufficient.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil best reduces appetite; best defies hunger of all other oils and other foods. If you eat food prepared with this oil, you will stay full longer and you would not feel hunger between meals. Therefore, coconut oil is auxiliary weight loss remedy


Whey proteins help weight loss because they effect in increasing the muscle mass. Whey proteins make you feel full because they influence the increase of hormones that reduce the appetite.

Black Caraway

Eastern populations believe that the black caraway prevents gaining weight, and that is the reason they consume it with food that fattens [bread, pastries].

Honey and Cinnamon

Every morning, half an hour before breakfast, on empty stomach, and at night, before going to bed, take mixture of honey and cinnamon, mixed and heated in glass of water. By practicing this, we do not allow fats to be formed and to be accumulated in our body.

Greet Tea

Green tea contains caffeine that limits fats absorption and increases the ability of the body to burn the consumed calories, so it more and more often used as effective natural remedy for weight loss. This tea has no side effect except at people too susceptible to caffeine.

Besides all above said, the following products should be avoided: sweets, white bread and white flour products, potatoes, pork, mayonnaise, crisps, chips and snacks, sparkling and alcoholic drinks.  Dark bread and dark flour product need to be more included in your diet; moreover, products rich in fibers, such as carrots, peas, green beans, broccoli, oats, rye… Eat chicken, turkey, beef (veal) meat, and sea fish. Food is best to be cooked or grilled.

If you pay more attention on the calories of some products, and diet in that manner, the way to thin body will be much easier and shorter.

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