Warning! Never Reheat These 7 Foods, They Can Poison Your Family



We all would do the basic task of reheating our food to make it more enjoyable. There are all sorts of foods that can be warmed before they are consumed. But then there are foods that should not be warmed because they could cause serious damage.

Most of us would have never thought that heating these foods could be of any potential danger. The fact is that these foods don’t retain their dietary values after they have been heated. So which are these foods?

These are the 7 foods that you should never re-heat before eating.

1. Chicken

If you are going to store chicken and eat it the next day or later, be warned – it is quite harmful to your health. It can cause several digestive disorders, and the reason is that the proteins’ structure will change.

If you don’t think this is serious, consider this – chicken has very high percentage of protein than red meat. If it’s cold chicken from yesterday, you should take it as it is. If you have to warm it, then do it only on very low heat. A good thing to do will be to warm it at very small temperature over a longer time.

2. Celery

We all use celery for preparing various types of soups. Just like spinach, it has nitrates. But when we warm it, these nitrates will change into nitrites, which are not meant to be consumed. If you are going to warm that soup make sure to remove the celery from it. You should do the same with carrots.

3. Spinach

Make it a rule of life never to re-heat anything that has spinach in it. If it is cooked and stored, eat it as such. As already mentioned, spinach is loaded with tons of nitrates. They are good for your health. But when you heat them, these nitrates turn into nitrites. These are carcinogenic and very harmful.

4. Beets

Just like spinach, beets are also storehouse of nitrates. So make sure that anything that contains beets is not re-heated. It is going to be extremely harmful for your body.

5. Eggs

This comes as a surprise, but even eggs fall into this list. In fact, they can prove to be deadly if they are warmed at higher temperatures. If you add eggs during preparation, they are not going to do any harm. But when you reheat boiled or fried eggs, they can be very dangerous.

6. Potatoes

Potatoes are loaded with so many health benefits. But once they turn cold after preparation, they lose most of these benefits including their dietary quality. If you reheat them now, they can be quite damaging to your health and don’t offer any benefits.

7. Mushrooms

These are the most harmful foods when reheated. Never store mushrooms in the fridge. Just consume them right after you have prepared them. Even if you must store them for the next day, make sure you don’t reheat them. It can otherwise develop digestive and heart complications.

You should be extremely careful from now onward as to the kind of food that you store and reheat in the oven. If you must eat stored food, make sure you are eating them in the cold state!



Source: Health Online Central


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