Lose 7 Kilograms Within 3 Weeks With The Help Of The “Rice Diet”



This diet regime will help you not only lose weight but also to regulate blood pressure and reduce blood sugar levels…

The creator of this diet is Dr. Walter Kempner. He created the diet back in 1939. In fact, this diet at the time was designed to reduce high blood pressure, regulate blood sugar levels and improve the health of people who suffer from kidney related diseases.

Since this diet had effects on reducing the body weight, it began to be used for weight loss as well. This is one variant of the diet and it allows you to lose from 7 to 10 kilos within three weeks.

Nutritional regime

The breakfast is always the same: one cup rice, cooked in water without salt and sugar. In order to improve rice’s flavor you can add little bit of lemon juice and little bit of olive oil. It is best to use integral rice.

Snack: One piece of fruit of your choice.

Lunch for the first 7 days: One cup of rice, a cup of beans, peas or lentil, and a piece of integral bread. You can use more spices. However, if you use salt make sure you put just a little.

Snack: One piece of fruit of your choice.

Dinner for the first 7 days: One cup of rice (every day) and 150 grams of fat free meat (chicken or turkey breast, fish, pork chops)

Do not over salt the meat. You just need to add little bit of lemon juice. You are also allowed to consume one piece of integral bread.

Lunch for the second week: A cup of rice and a piece of integral bread.

Dinner for the second week: A cup of rice and a piece of integral bread.

Third week: Eat according to plan in the first week, but add a dairy snack between lunch and dinner (200 ml of milk or small fruit yogurt).


Source: yourhealthypage