Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Gynecologists Warn: Five Menstrual Problems You Must Not Ignore!



Irregular symptoms should never be ignored. Skipped menstrual cycle, reduced or heavy flow may be signs of a serious problem.

These symptoms are a sing you must pay a visit to your gynecologist.

1. Heavy bleeding or cycle that lasts more than ten days

When you have the need to change the pad on every hour, then you are experiencing excessive bleeding (heavy flow). Heavy bleeding can be a sign of medical problems such as fibroids, polyps, or adenomyosis (where endometrial tissue grows in the muscles of the uterus’ walls), which can cause anemia.

This condition can be a sign of uterine myoma or hyperplasia, which requires urgent intervention by a doctor.

2. Skipping of menstrual cycle

If you skip two or more menstrual cycles (and you are sure you are not pregnant), it may be the reason for some not so good news.

As main causes you may experience hormonal imbalance, thyroid problems, excessive exercise or diet, stress or premature menopause.

If you do not have a regular menstrual cycle it may lead to growth of abnormal cells (a potential state before cancer occurrence).

3. Unbearable PMS symptoms

If you turn in a real monster, the possibility of suffering from premenstrual dysphoric disorder is big. This is unbearably worse than classical premenstrual syndrome.

These symptoms include craving for food, mood swings, depression, great anxiety, rage and loss of control over your own behavior.

4. Spot bleeding

Bleeding spots between cycles is quite normal. However, consult a physician is always good, as a preventive. This may be a sign of a cyst, uterine fibroids or precancerous cells.

5. Sudden and intense cramps

If you experience cramps that cause you unbearable pain, you are probably dealing with endometriosis. This is a condition in which cells that grow inside the uterus starts to grow from the outer side of the uterus which causes abnormal pain. These symptoms might occur whenever. Most women who are diagnosed with this condition have a history of painful periods since young days.


Reference: healthylifetricks