Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Blackberry – Remedy For The Blood, Food For The Body!


Besides being too delicious, blackberries are very healthy as well. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and flavonoids.

Same as the fruit, blackberry’s leaves also posses great health benefits.

The fruit of the blackberry is used to make juice, jam etc. However, this berry’s leaves can also be used for making tea. This tea helps to lower blood pressure and it also helps with paradentosis.

Blackberries contain bioflavonoids, which act as powerful antioxidants and prevent the formation of free radicals. Increase the absorption of vitamin C and help preserve collagen.

Blackberry’s nutritional values:

Blackberries, as well as raspberries, originate from the family Rosaceae, of the genus Rubus. The scientific name of the shrub is Rubusfruticosus. These berries grow in shrub. They come from Europe, and today is grown commercially in North America (the United States), all the way to Siberia.

Depending on the variety, blackberry shrub can be classified as: upright, semi- upright or creeping.

The upright type of shrub has thorns and spreads through the roots’ sprouts (which then emit tendrils) in the shrub. While creeping shrub species need a guard of honor to be able to grow and emit fresh tendrils. During the second season white or pink flowers appear on the tendrils.

A blackberry weights from 3 to 4 grams and contains from 80 to 100 tiny fruits.

Blackberry type such as Logan and Phenomena are hybrid mulberries obtained through the intersection of raspberry and blackberry.

Blackberry’s health benefits:

– Blackberries are rich in numerous nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, which are necessary for maintaining overall health.

– These berries have low caloric value. 100 grams of fresh blueberries have only 43 calories. They also rich in soluble and insoluble fiber (100 grams of fresh blackberries have 5.3 grams or 14% of the daily recommended intake).

– Blackberries contain adequate amounts of vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin K (providing 16% of the recommended daily dose in 100 grams). In addition, they contain several other flavonoid polyphenols and antioxidants that are beneficial for human health, such as lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene. Together, these compounds serve as protective scavengers of oxygen free radicals and reactive oxygen types that play an important role in the aging process and the development of various diseases.

– Blackberries contain ORAC value (absorption capacity oxygen radicals – a measure of antioxidant strength).

– Blackberries also contain a solid amount of minerals such as magnesium, manganese, copper and potassium. Copper is needed for bone metabolism as well as for creation of red blood cells.

Source and storage:

Blackberries season usually runs from June to September. Usually, blackberries are ready for harvesting when are easily torn from the stalk and have obtained expressed color. At that stage they are the sweetest and most mature.

In the stores, pick fresh blackberries that are glossy and juicy with fully visible black color. Mainly blackberries are packed in a solid box, arranged in a row.

Avoid not fully ripe blackberries (black with purple color), overripe, rotten, damaged and squashed ones. Blackberries are very sensitive to touch and can quickly go bad. After the purchase, make sure you eat them as soon as possible.

Store them in the refrigerator. This way they will maintain their freshness even for 5 days.

Use in the kitchen:

Fresh blackberries can be eaten immediately after picking them from the bush. If you buy them from the store, it is best to consume them immediately after purchase. Do not wash them until you are ready to eat them.

Cooking tips:

– Blackberries are a great addition to fruit salad. They can also be added in ice cream as well.

– Mashed blackberries are used for the preparation of French sauces.

– Blackberries give a special flavor to cakes, pastries, pies and puddings.

Health warning:

Blackberries allergy is very rare occurrence. Only a few cases have been reported in very sensitive individuals. The reaction may be due to the presence of salicylic acid in the berry, which can cause symptoms such as swellings and redness of the mouth, eczema, runny nose, itchy eyes, difficulty breathing, depression, hyperactivity and insomnia.

Persons who think they might be allergic to this berry should stay avoid them.